Hi!! pesso imensas desculpas por nao ter estado presente estes dias todos, tenho chegado a casa canssada.
Aqui vai, 1DNEWS:
- O videoclip de kiss you sai hoje!!
- Ha rumores que a taylor swift esteja gravida de harry. :'(
-Dis-se que harry é o 18º namorado de taylor swift este ano.
-Harry tem asma, poucas directioners sabiam disto, mas muitas delas ficaram a saber depois de o terem visto com um ataque de asma no concerto em NYC.
Xauuu :P voltou daqui a um bocado
Hi! peopl huge apologies for not being here all these days, I come home tired.
Here vai, 1DNEWS:
- The video kiss you out today!
- There are rumors that taylor swift is pregnant harry. '(
Dis-that harry is the 18th taylor swift boyfriend this year.
Harry has asthma, few directioners know it, but many of them got to know after they had seen an asthma attack in concert in NYC.
Beyy i will be here in a couple hours
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